Both a social science and a business field, it can be argued that economics has evolved from a "discipline" to an "approach" used to study behavior with regards to the use of scarce resources.
The Department of Economics offers undergraduate programs in both the the Sam M. Walton College of Business and Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences. Students completing these programs graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Business Economics), a Bachelor of Science in International Business or a Bachelor of Arts (Economics Major). We also offer both a Master of Arts (M.A.) and a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in economics.
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The study of economics can prepare you for an increasingly knowledge-based and interdependent global economy of the twenty-first century.
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Our graduate programs are designed to provide advanced training for those who want to pursue careers in economics.
The Department of Economics continues to evolve along with our field. Faculty and students are involved in research that expands the frontiers of economics.
Behavioral Business Research Lab
The Walton Research Laboratory in the Center for Academic Excellence is an interdisciplinary resource for studying human behavior and decision making.
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The center supports economic development by providing economic and demographic data and analysis to business, government, and individuals.
用手机上油管加速软件Bessie B. Moore Center for Economic Education
The center works to improve economic education in elementary and secondary schools by training teachers and developing curriculum materials.
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